Heyo! Eu sou Isaias, tenho 16 anos e faço algumas artes digitais de OC's e personagens que eu gosto na cultura Pop/Gamer

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A new microwave pass juuusst managed to snag the center of and shows that the eyewall has now closed itself off.

Recon confirms this, and satellite imagery shows large and very deep convective bursts flaring in the eyewall, a harbinger for intensification.

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Se aprirai il tuo cuore all'affamato,
se sazierai l'afflitto di cuore,
allora brillerà fra le tenebre
la tua luce.

Isaia (in ebraico יְשַׁעְיָהוּ,
latino Isaias, il Signore salva
765 a.C. circa
Profeta ebreo.


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