If he hadn't given Harry his memories, would Harry still have come to consider Snape a hero? Would Albus Severus Potter have a different middle name? Would Snape have remained a "villain"?

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If Ron never returned to Harry and Hermione in the wilderness, would they have been able to find the rest of the Horcruxes? Would they still have been captured by the Snatchers? Could they have escaped Malfoy Manor?

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If Peter Pettigrew had been killed by Sirius and Remus, would Voldemort have gained back his power in "Goblet of Fire"? Would Sirius have been pardoned or would Remus be following him to Azkaban?

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So many things would have changed in the "Harry Potter" series if certain characters had made different choices. If Draco had taken Dumbledore's offer of protection, would Dumbledore have died? Would Voldemort have had to change his plan?

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