//=time() ?>
6/30 ジュンブラ 流花サンプル
西4 J50a Pen’s
#서일페티켓이벤트 ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎
서일페 VOL.14 설기일러스트 💘J50💘
초대권이 남아 토 / 일 각 1분씩
트위터에서도 추첨해봅니다!
계정 팔로 후, 원하시는 요일 인용알티 해 주시면 2일 내로 추첨 할게요😇
❗️당첨 시 서일페 티켓 1매(모바일 전송)
행사 당일날 부스에서 신상 스티커 선물🎄
Did this in 2014 to see what an artistic version of Awdry's original Thomas would look like. It blends detail inspired by the LNER J50, the livery of the original toy, and the charming aesthetic of Awdry's sketches. It's not perfect, but I'm happy with it!
@BendyFan2013 (sorry for @'ing you a second time)
the inquirie didnt get an answer so i defaulted to a j50 cuz i thought that'd suit your character
yes, the j50 is mediocre at best, which is partially why i just- drew your character normally
@TheTugsGal I also Have A Train sona, He's A J50
J50 - Step by Bloody Step #1
La narration muette fonctionne parfaitement avec le découpage de @matiasbergara qui nous plonge dans des décors et des idées de design qui animent un monde complètement dément (#EldenRing n'a qu'à bien se tenir). Immense coup de ❤️
@TheChattyEngine Can I Be My Own Character Please? He's A J50 Tank Engine
@KumataJDG Technically He's My Tank Engine Self Named George The J50 Tank Engine
Pictures I Made For @jessica_jinty
LMS Jinty Sprite Base By Coolkid On DeviantArt
Jessica The LMS Jinty
George The J50 Tank Engine
(Redesgined George)
And George Takes Jessica To Meet The Can Do Crew
Can Do Crew Sprites By
Princess Muffins
8/22The Super ROCK 2021大阪にて当イベントのフライヤーを配布致します!
3号館 J50a tcnc
3号館 J51a どてっといんこ
8/22 SCC大阪のスペース
【3号館 J50a】でした!
バトン先はリプにて。 https://t.co/iYNNB9PCHJ
【J.GARDEN50…2020年10月10日(日)東京ビッグサイト西2ホール/1000sp募集】 ただいま申込受付中。
※サークル申込〆切:郵送7/29必着、オンライン8/2・18時まで https://t.co/fT7KWV6S6J https://t.co/k1eVGBbJ18 #J庭 #J50