Love making my own stuff! Loving that freedom of creativity. Thank you internet for giving me the platform.

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Will finish the Alphomegas and Punk Wushu volumes once I'm done with SV1.

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So I look forward to finishing SV1 1st volume (10 issues) before the end of the year God willing.

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Bacyrd MOB Halloween Special 🎃 the works, a lot has changed since the beginning of this year and I have been adjusting with the time to catch up.

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Drew Monito with thinner lines to make the color look more vibrant. It's the little things that change everything. 😌

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Detective Donnie is on the case, he'll be introduced in issue 2 if Punk Wushu.

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I more of these versions coming up for all my characters

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Felling like I got 1,203rd wind! 😂 Thanks to everyone's love, prayer and support! Here's some art from Punk Wushu and BacYrd Mob! Getting work done!

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JCA Comics series BacYrd MOB, Doug Rabbit, SV1 and P.E.T Squad.

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Sometime creators just want to put a balls to wall content, having fun at the same time giving away just enough plot to keep the story going. This is my Bloodsport. Can't wait to show X Tournament next year my mini series tournament.

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X Tournament is a martial arts tournament where dead is an easy way out! This limited series will be released 2021.

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It only takes that one FAN to help me reach heights that I would not have ever imagined in my wildest dreams. 😊🙏

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This is Tate 10 years prior the events in SV1 when he was a young fighter pilot of an elite airforce we'll explore more on this history as the series progresses.

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Writing BacYrd MOB it's coming among so well! Can't wait, I believe in all my heart this story is gonna change the world! Big project!!

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Check out JCA Kids on Instagram. It's got all exclusive art and stories for all kids. This is BacYrd MOB, the 1st issue is coming out later this year!

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Getting too know Tate's former crew, introducing Ghodi. The pioneer and mentor of the Air Force team. He'll be introduced in the next chapter SV1 2.

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