Bathers: The Parasol’ (1951)

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Roses were a favourite flower of JD Fergusson's. The paint in this image is built up thickly in layers to create an added sense of volume and depth in the blooms

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Fergusson often worked from sketches or memories that he had stored away for many years. Here, after a twenty year interval, he returned to the first idyllic summer that he and Morris spent together in the south of France in 1914, shortly after they first met

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Roses were a favourite flower of Fergusson's. The paint in this image is built up thickly in layers to create an added sense of volume and depth in the blooms

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Still life offered a useful outlet for experimentation during Fergusson's Paris years as the expressive brushwork of this painting suggests

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The exoticism of this image provides links with Fergusson's earlier portraits. During his Paris years Fergusson painted many studio portraits, typically setting his sitters against luxuriant textile drapes decorated with flowers and foliage

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The Collections Review uncovered this study for Portrait en Rose, it's so interesting to see Fergusson's processes at work

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My image of Scottish Art has now been adjusted to include sensuous Mediterranean imagery like this...

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