Day 9 of is Tales of Symphonia. I rented this game and did not know what to expect. Ended up buying it cause I couldn't get enough of it.

380 987

Day 8 of is Lost Odyssey. I really want them to rerelease this game for the PC like they did for Last Remnant. I've been itching to play again.

36 176

Day 6 of is Digital Devil Saga. This was my introduction to Shin Megami Tensei and led me to another one of my all-time favorite series B)

108 378

Day 5 of is Bravely Default! This game made me fall in love with multi-job systems all over again.

392 1115

Day 3 of is Shadow Hearts Covenant. I started playing this game when the mangaka of Fruits Baskets mentioned playing it and I instantly fell in love. Didn't know it was actually a sequel at the time.

38 227

Starting a day late. Gonna be drawing my favorite jrpgs each day in April. Starting with Skies of Arcadia Legends first 💖

128 571