(Fan Daily UVER ID)
masih tren lato-lato gk sih wkwk?
Wei Yang lg main lato-lato tabung gas
Juned mah banyak sabar aja sama kelakuannya (padahal pengen bonk orangnya pake tabung gas)

reference asli: FP Pandaclip

4 11

🐊: Cewek!! sini main sama kita bertiga yuk~

Yoo guys, today i drawing 3 UVER ID boys in beach theme 😂
i think this is most complicated drawing i try until now
(and im newbie too for drawing background)

6 14

I know its still november but i cant hold my urge 😌

Hashire sori yo
Kaze no you ni
PADORU PADORU *heavy metal Juna's sound

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Open adopt kucing nemu di meja kasir sebuah cafe
ras kucing garong
hati-hati makannya banyak uwu

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Happy Birthday JUNYEEEDDDD🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉
Semoga segala hutang yang dikasi bang jeli cepet lunas eaaaa

mamam tuh roti kare seabrek dari Brigitta wkwkwk

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Happy anniversary
Still don't understand why you not famous, you put a lot of work in your content(Still hate you tho) I'm thankful for your friendship over this year, looking forward to it more in the future

Art By:

6 14


感覺每次畫風都不一樣rr( ˙꒳​˙ )"

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Art Of The Day “Inside The Memories” 52”x38”x3” oil on gessoed canvas.

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"Hyung looks hyeongjunie can fly high with this squishy bun bun (灬╹ω╹灬) 💕"

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Just finished! I’m calling this one “A Cajun Summer.” I hope you enjoy it! Those who sign up for my Patreon will get to see a video of the coloring process.

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