hello twt katauhan!!

I am humbly asking por ur support 😣👉👈 just by reacting "love" or "wow" on my work. Thank u everyonee and stay safee. 💓💓💓

++added some details

>> here is the link to da post hihi https://t.co/ImSvi83QMd

33 72

Thank you for using your platforms to voice out the injustices in the country and to educate other people about the timely issues
There are many other -

160 377

Right now I'm mostly doing donation commissions for if you could promote my sheet, I would really appreciate it!

5 9

sometimes you think something's not a cake and then it is.. like how you could think that MAYBE something's not against basic human rights..... but it definitely is 🤭

, dissent is not terrorism

26 64

If you’re ever wondering about why there are so many of these memes right now, it’s because of the . It’s rough right now, gang!

1 21

🚨President Duterte has signed into law the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020🚨(1/3)

Please help Philipines by sending emails, just a few clicks on https://t.co/5GAVCVdMxQ or https://t.co/fDaKNdGnUK

More on the matter: https://t.co/p1vvzTmJEz

13 10

It was easier to watch things in black and white. When I watched those documentaries about goverments being oppresive and all that. Didn't think i'll one day see that in action and in color.

Our voices matter more than ever right now!

2 9

very very wrong. your time will come. the people know and will remember what you prioritized during a pandemic.

1013 1885

Same tactic, different branding

5783 15334


2 10

yall just outright treating us like shit. taking advantage of the pandemic to silence your critics when cases are still going up and people are losing their jobs.


452 718

We're only one week away before the Anti-Terrorism Bill lapses into law. Join the social media rally later at 7 p.m. as we urgently call on President Rodrigo Duterte to and to assert the people's demand to

218 283

Itik vanquishing baboy ⚔

Ethics must always be our constant guiding force to determining laws. Especially, against laws that only serve to protect and benefit the ruling class.

4 9