
Last month's 'secret' commission~a surprise birthday gift from client to their friend~(๑•́ ∀ •̀๑)

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最近有點忙和不舒服~慢了更新抱歉_(:3 」∠)_

Recently been busy and sick~kinda slow on updating sorry for that

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和朋友最近的一些塗鴉~互相畫彼此的女兒 d(`・∀・)b
(*最近喜歡醬紫的上色畫鼻子,感覺有點可愛(๑•́ ∀ •̀๑)
Recently doodling with a friends drawing each other's OC (゚∀。)
(*recently i like this way to color the nose , feels kinda cute

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