== Jack’s Spellbook Psychic Scream ==
Psychic Scream is a 9th-level spell that hits up to 10 creatures within 90 feet of you with an INT save vs 14d6 psychic damage, half on success. A creature that fails is also stunned.

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== Jack’s Spellbook Magic Missile ==
Magic Missile is THE D&D spell, and in 5e it’s situationally very strong, and also situationally VERY broken.

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== Jack’s Spellbook Magic Jar ==
Magic Jar is really not a spell for players. It’s clunky, awkward, and very very evil. Instead, it’s for DMs to use as a jumping-off point for a very specific kind of threatening enemy.

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== Jack’s Spellbook Compulsion ==
There are three Bard-exclusive spells: Dissonant Whispers, which is excellent; Vicious Mockery, which is pretty mediocre; and Compulsion, which sucks.

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== Jack’s Spellbook Compelled Duel ==
Sometimes I swear there are more unusably terrible 1st-level spells than good ones…

Compelled Duel is a highlight of a strange flaw in 5e: its constant miscosting of taunt effects.

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