deve la teorizzazione al pittore e collezionista Jean Dubuffet. L'opera è una ricerca emotiva e fisica, è magma materico grottesco, a volte, primitivo, regressivo

"La follia mette le ali all'uomo e favorisce il suo potere di immaginazione"
sn1966 - dx1981

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BASTIAN exhibits Jean Dubuffet's brightly coloured and wonderfully exuberant work, 'Site avec 5 personnages'

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looked to the margins of the every day—the art of prisoners, psychics, the uneducated, and the institutionalized—to liberate his own creativity, coining the term “Art Brut”
Artwork: Jean Dubuffet, Site avec 8 personnages, E 173, 13 juin 1981.

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“Personally, I believe very much in values of savagery; I mean: instinct, passion, mood, violence, madness.” -Jean Dubuffet
Artwork: Jean Dubuffet, Site avec 4 personnages, 20 aout 1981, acrylic on paper, 50 x 67 cm at Miami

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Robert Rauschenberg's "Buffalo II", 1964, James Rosenquist's "Director", 1964 and Jean Dubuffet's Tasse de Thé I, 1967in the home of Chicago Robert and Beatrice Mayer.
Artwork: Tasse de Thé I, 1967, polyurethane paint on polyester resin

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"What I expect from any work of art is that it surprises me, that it violates my customary valuations of things and offers me other unexpected ones" -Jean Dubuffet
Artwork: Tea cup I, 1967, Polyurethane paint on polyester resin, 197.5 x 127 x 10.1 cm

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This finishes as expected at £1,271,250 final tonight London

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