03 Mischief / Humour -- This Jedi master is two Padawans in a trench coat??

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Last Day of with as Padawan and as the "Intergalactic Therapists" based on the books!

18 79

For the 7th Day of the prompt is Duty! Jedi were the human side of the Clone Wars!

2 15

Day 6: Non-Attachment

I struggled with this concept because I wanted all this event to be and and both failed on this 😂😭 BUT I thought that Obi-Wan got to understand this with Qui-Gon's passing.

19 69

Third Day of with now as Ben, helping the Lars family under the prompt "There is no passion, there is serenity." I’m late! I had a struggle with this one but finally had an idea: Obi-Wan’s serenity in front of all the Tatooine thing.

2 21

Its on Tumblr so I had to get something done of my and a friend's Yes an Aquila, since the character was originally of the 40k persuasion. Glad to get some art in for once lol

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07: Symbiosis and we all know that Episode III deleted scene Face with tears of joy you can reblog it here ➡️ https://t.co/8LvVDPhjYh

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I forgot to post this! Here's my 6th day piece and it's all about Meditation 🌿 if you want to reblog and read what it is about go here: https://t.co/kKe7t0VLJu

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Day 03: Teaching/Learning ❇️ Padawans and Masters learn from each other all the time

Reblog: https://t.co/78UpvQbB5I

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