reasons why you should have a big togruta bf
this is post o66 Quinn and his bf Dyr :D

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haven’t drawn my padawan boi for a while so!!! have a Quinn!!

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he's got some uhhh funky lookin eyes
dw he's a lot nicer than he looks

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This was the first picture I ever drew of them together <3 Obi-Wan and Leigh, without context.

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The Jedi General in question: Meet Kes Gerra, General of the 121st battalion and Lightfoot company

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One of my favorite drawings I've done right now. Leigh Vanukar, Jedi OC, about to train and kick ass.

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btw their names are Irizi'stal'ovodo (Istalo) and Yat'toba
more people should give their ocs pink lightsabers i think its neat

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not me emotionally invested in this pairing, lmao. like i said. this is all i draw now. leigh vanukar and obi-wan kenobi because i have reverted to a crush from my childhood Lol.

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just some casual padawan flirting, amirite

also i forgot obi-wan's rat tail thing, so sue me, lmao

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a friend asked what my Jedi would be doing if she wasn't a Jedi. The answer was "crime lord" so have some au Crime Lord Leigh Vanukar. Lol.

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presented again without context
their ship name is bash (ben and ash) and no one can stop me lmao

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presented to you without context

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jedi friends having a little chitty chat~~

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