Just like from on . I’ll be making a series on drawings of Isn’t he just the greatest.

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Why have I just found out that a marvel character called jeff the land shark exist this is the cutest shit i've ever seen

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Yo: "Que buena idea tener DC para practicar un estilo complejo, más marcado y realista.
Also, yo:

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Not going to spoil the reveal, but Jeff uncovers who’s been using his likeness to build a merchandising empire behind his back. It’s so cute.

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“Yup, that’s me meeting Jeff for the first time. My ma thought I’d accidentally shock him, or that he’d bite me. Neither happened. He’s a good boy. Still is.”

Many thanks to for another great commission.

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I love how is giving us the content we need in “Marvel Meow” until volume 2 of “It’s Jeff!” by and is out.

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New Marvel Meow out on Marvel Unlimited, once again featuring the best boy!

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Hell yeah. The boys are back in Marvel Meow. Pet West Coast Avengers for the win.

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Gwen and jeff
Jeff and gwen
Saving the day as best they can

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Today's Marvel Unlimited strip is one of my favorites, if only for this panel, which never ceases to crack me up:


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今まで我慢してたけど、グリヒル先生のジェフが見たくて遂にMarvel Unlimited をダウンロードしてしまったよ。ジェフが可愛い過ぎるのよ!

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