Planet of the Vampires (1965) - Despite it’s paper thin characters and low budget, this Mario Bava film still delivers somewhat effective tension with it’s colorful, but dark and stylized cinematography.

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Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato (1978): An out of continuity sequel that was originally going to be the finale to the Yamato story. Despite only seeing the 2199 reboot, I was still able to enjoy this long (151 mins!) epic space opera.

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Creature feature that has stiff looking monsters and an inappropriate 70's soundtrack. The story and characters sadly don't pick up the slack.

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Project A-Ko 2 (1987): Another fun late 80’s over the top romp. Though the animation wasn’t as good as it was in the first Project A-Ko.

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I liked this much more than Weathering With You. I can see why so many people loved this film when it came out. It too me long enough to see it, huh?

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As Summer begins to fade away (sob), it seemed natural to finally watch this.

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Every time I see this film, I think I like it a little more. At least, I think.

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What's Buzzin' Buzzard? (1943)

My rating: 2.5/5

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