Annnnd Scoop!
Time for some Mortal Angel art and this time its book 2's lover boys Jintan and Ryan caught in a cute moment drawn by the awesome ! Discover their budding romance in The Sin of Mercy, the sequel to my urban fantasy Mortal Angel when it releases next winter

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these three ships are from the Mortal Angel series but I suck at ship names, have you got any suggestions for...
Ryan X Jintan
Jimi X Elize
Setsuna X Danny ?

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4. Why yes there is romance in Sin Of Mercy 💙 Jintan, who was only 5 in the 1st Mortal Angel book but is 17 in SOM is a squire in the imperial sentinels but when he is tasked with protecting Ryan, a visitor from the Earth realm, the goth falls for the jock.

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Ryan: A bold and confident jock, this stems from him overcoming bullies. When he came out as Trans, his friends + family had his back but some kids + teachers bullied him, so he pushed back.
Jintan: Shy goth, he's so focused on becoming a Knight and struggles when not training.

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I want to thank A-1 for putting out this series 11 yrs ago. I had a rough time when my ‘friends‘ somehow turned their backs against me, but seeing Jintan trying to navigate through his rocky friendships did help me a lot 🥲


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第一回も満員大盛況だったJINTANAソロのレギュラーイベント、第二回はSSWのみらんさんをSpecial Guestにお招きします。映画『愛なのに』の主題歌「低い飛行機」も素晴らしいみらんさん、ぜひライブでお楽しみください。5/20渋谷バッキーでお待ちしております。

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Tbh I love that the only mtnn protagonist that had a lil bit of fanservice was him

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菖蒲ゆら 冬條由真 Ikezu aojintan
桜乃みゆり yami Yaha 暁 苺飴
ぴよちゃん 若竹旬菜 戦芭瑠霧 零
しずく リミア 涼奏吏音 富嶽 チユウ
楓 メギラス れあ るか クロナコ kiki

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