Law and Order for Joevember! I was really excited to get this one done. I’ve rarely drawn these two and this is the first time I’ve had them colored up.
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Gung-Ho and Lady Jaye for Joevember! This is art from GI Joe Deck Building Game: Coldsnap by tudios

Original art sale: 6x9 art plate, with Joe logo, DM me if interested. Shown in post.

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Dialtone for Joevember!!! Another on down line art by and colors by colorist I’ve wanted to see this colored up for awhile now!

I would’ve had it used in one of the recent games if it could’ve been.

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It’s the first of November, but it’s also the first of I’m going to draw one character a day, starting with an original Joe, He’s not a terribly exciting character, but he was the first Joe in my collection.

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