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Countess with one of her trusted partner, Anvar the Arcanine.♥️🔥 Anvar is one of her longest team members since she traveled in Johto. When she decides to live in Paldea permanently, Anvar will switch between a battle partner and her personal home guardian.♥️
Una de las cosas más incomprensibles de los juegos de 2ºgen es el poco protagonismo que le dan a los Pokémon de Johto.
Por ejemplo, el equipo de los dos primeros líderes podría haber sido algo así, aprovechando opciones de Pokémon nuevos.
to this day I’m Still mad the best misty design hasn’t been in Anything since johto. Not even in Pokémon masters.
#ポケモン好きさんと繋がりたい #ポケモン
#Pokemon #クリスマス #christmas
Christmas in Johto. Potluck party for the dex holder.
What if we had christmas alts. And also we were gym leaders from johto. And also we were both girls
8) Favorite region
This one I dreaded the most because I.. actually don't know.
I have so much nostalgia for Johto. Can't speak on Gen 8 or 9. I only barely remember Gen 5's map X_X
I'll tie Kalos and Johto. Hoenn is up there too!
Dia 5 - Tipo Elétrico Favorito
O segundo integrante fixo do meu time dos sonhos desde que apareceu lá atrás em Johto.
Ampharos é o reizinho da segunda geração, e o rei dos elétricos.
Quem discorda tá maluco =p
8. Favorite Region
Stiiiiill have to give it to Johto. There's some sick ass lore in Paldea but Johto feels like home.
8. I'm probably the only person that picks Johto. It's got great music and there's just something about it. Especially in the original release, the color palette, especially at nighttime is perfection.
I didn't like the old drawing so I made another one, the story is different, it is related to modern bats, but instead of flying this species swims and lives its entire life in the oceans of Johto. https://t.co/GnKK0yOZuU
•Curiosidade n°213
Em RBY e FRLG, você tem 59 opções de ordem de ginásio para derrotar.
Em GSC e HGSS, você tem 40 opções nos ginásios de Johto. Nos mesmos jogos, só que em Kanto, há 40320 possíveis ordens de derrotar os líderes de ginásio.
Et on continue avec la 2e génération et les protagonistes de la région de Johto. Vous avez maintenant le choix entre Luth, Christy et Célesta. Pareil, si un protagoniste choisi a plusieurs look, un deuxième vote sera organisé.
Unpopular opinion: Chikorita is a good starter Pokemon, even if it’s not the ‘best’ choice for Johto. It doesn’t deserve the hate. 😭
9. Whitney
Although she and her Miltank are infamous for being very annoying to battle, she's still a huge spike in difficultly from when you fight the other leaders in Johto. And she has a sweet personality in the anime too.
Ashee and Suzakoh are Fire and Fire/Fairy Fakemon originally found in Johto. They were worshipped by people as the “real” Ho-oh but were driven out by the opposing faction. Ashee is notoriously weak and prone to turning to ash. Suzakoh is scarily powerful though. Art by @Mat4265
Os até então já esquecidos Sidney e Falkner adaptaram suas tradicionais roupas para a versão vermelha, e se tornaram assuntos em todas as rotas de Johto.
Às vezes é um detalhe que muda tudo!