Greetings from Bear Island!

Artwork by

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Artwork by the amazing, brilliant, cool ... zappy .

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J: And there's not a doubt in my mind you're really good at being bad.
D: Just come back home really soon and I'll show you ...

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J: And what is it that you want me to read?
D: I don't know. Anything, really.
J: How about something ... sweet. A song of a Maidem Most fair. That's sweet, soft and sultry.
D: Sure. But only if there's her bear, too.


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D: Oh, you shouldn't worry about that! She'll be giving you some nice tonight, though. All night long!

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And while we're all waiting for my muse to finally kick in 😉 ... a little bit of gorgeousness by .

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D: Hey, J-bear, what's with the kilt?
J: It's Burns Night, khaleesi.
D: Oh, that explains the burning sensation in my tummy ...

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D: That probably leaves most of our readers hot and bothered. Anyway, I've decided to prove him wrong.
J: I'm not following you, khaleesi. Wrong about what?
D: Tonight I intend to have my wicked ways with you vertically.

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D: You must think me ungrateful.
J: Khaleesi, I'd never!
D: Good! Because I am. I'm grateful for you being my strength, my gentle heart, my home. I guess I'm saying you make me a better person by being here. By being mine. By being you.

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D: Jorah Mormont, are you being a naughty bear and checking me out?
J: Why, of course not, khaleesi! I'm just admiring the view.

Later ...
J: Khaleesi?! Wha... what are you doing here?
D: Nothing. Just admiring the view.

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D: Well, my bearest, I guess we'll just have to be creative, then.
J: I love being creative with you, khaleesi!

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J: Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?
M: It's your maiden fair, you silly bear!

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D: My goodness, Jorah, we've completely forgotten about haven't we?
J: Well, I for one have a perfect excuse.
D: Do you?
J: Yes, I've had my hads full of this lovely Targaryen queen.

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D: Good to know because I think you're peachy: a little bit hairy on the outside but totally sweet on the inside. Although you do make me go bananas sometimes.

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D: Hold me like you'll never let me go.
J: Because you're leaving on a jet plane and by that I mean mounting Drogon and flying away?
D: No! But if you burst into a song that's exactly what I'll do.

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D: Exactly, he's in my nightmares and then I wake up to reality. To you. And that makes all the difference. You make all the difference.
J: Because I'm real?
D: Because you're my dream come true. The most wonderful dream.

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D: Are you ... from my country?
J: Ser Jorah Meowmont of Katz Island. And you, my furry maiden?
D: Daenerys Softpaw.
J: Hello, Katleesi. May I call you that ... 'Katleesi'?
D: It's definitely an improvement from 'Hello, Kitty'.

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And all of a sudden I know exactly what Jorah is going to prepare in order to surprise his beloved khaleesi ...

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Do you remember when you joined Twitter? I do!

And what better way to celebrate than with these two.

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D: Merry my bearest!
J: Why, thank you, khaleesi. And a very merry to you, too!
D: Oh ... It will be merry indeed. Very merry, very soon!

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