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Jufly days 24 and 25 - Fancy and Humble
There'd be more than one uppity breeder who'd faint knowing someone is using a gold-horned shortwing for woods work...but any shortwing is happier with a job than stuck in a stall simply looking pretty.
Jufly day 21 - Space
Cool, crisp night rides are always a good way to clear your head
Jufly day 13 - Swarm
Despite being like...85% floof, nymbak will form a surprisingly strong swarm around the queen to protect her from anything they deem a threat. For pilots intent on capturing the swarm, they need to get to her - for where she goes, the swarm goes.
Jufly day 6 - Leaf
Resourceful kids often craft their own toys from everyday things they find. Homemade pegasi like this one is common to find when the traveling craftsman or toy peddler aren't due to visit for a while.
Jufly #2 - Saddle
Pegasus saddles are usually as diverse as pilots themselves.
Gonna be (trying) to do #JuFly this month! My theme is gonna be cat gryphons, todays prompt was Dive, so todays cat gryphon is an Australian Magpie and Abyssinian Cat!
Jufly day 29 - Elegant
Struggled with this one...so I'm not convinced my drawing accurate portrays exactly why I like gannets, but I've always thought they were elegant seabirds. Their wing shape and markings are just so lovely.
#Jufly day 24 - Curly
Fancy pegasi of all classes have been bred throughout the years, but the curly variety is the most popular. These pegasi are rarely flown, instead more favored as high-class driving pegasi. They require SO MUCH grooming. It's unreal.
#jufly day 20 - Ornate
I still have desert pegasus jewelry on my brain
Jufly 16 - Desert
Desert people weave sheets of metal scales together & drape them over their pegasus' wings. It's considered a traditional armor against the sun. The most luxurious versions come in the form of polished aluminum, but usually are made from lightning fish scales
#Jufly Day 13 - Aquatic
Teams of aquatic search & rescue pilots atop longwings are often a sailor's best hope of survival after an unseasonably strong storm
#Jufly day 12 - Wonder, combo’d with yesterday’s Cold
A still, clear night is always welcome to arctic longwings.
#Jufly day 7 - Monster
This legend of a longwing is said to live in deep, dark swamps. It'll apparently eat anything it comes across, but it's favorite snack are children who stay out too late at night. If you hear ungodly screeches & the clacking of a beak...RUN.
#Jufly day 5 - Spotted
Pebble-crested Cookwing
A mischievous broadwing. These are extremely spirited, & often considered thick headed. In reality, they just need a pilot with a wit as quick as theirs. These pegs are described by pilots as “snappy” in all senses of the word
#Jufly day 4 - "Night Flight"
Working pilots don't usually fly at night - their way-point markers almost always require sunlight reflecting off mirrors, making daylight flying more preferable. But every pilot knows that night flying is something magical all on it's own.
#Jufly Day 2 - Sun
This is a Sunfire Longwing. Very rare, lives on very isolated, perfectly calibrated, lush chains of islands. Very territorial, so even a wide area only supports a precious few. There are no known tamed Sunfires.