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@CecileGauffriau @JKYayer @tewoz @CloueThomas @ArtzSchw @malherbe_chris @xavcharpentier @Larsaine @StephaneLastere @arkos55 Un film qui m’a marqué dans ma vie de jeune #cinephile… (vu sur proposition d’un oncle fan de #JulietteBinoche)
#LesAmantsDuPontNeuf de Carax
#ThematiqueParis #cinephilesLeWeekEnd🎥
Alla prima oil painting, (1h 40 m) watch the live stream here: https://t.co/eoQG62jrGM, hope you enjoy it !! #juliettebinoche #allaprima #allaprimaportrait #oilpainting #oilportrait #portraitpainting #realistart #portraitart #academic_artwork #oilportraits #portraitpainting
Review: Non-Fiction – “Unapologetically French, and all the better for it.” Read it here https://t.co/dsmmLj31y9 by @nahsosmall #NonFiction @ArtificialEye @CurzonCinemas #olivierassayas #juliettebinoche
no.98 Juliette Binoche
Les Amants de Pont-Neuf
no.97 no.98 forever
#juliettebinoche #illustration
Gli #affreschi de "La Leggenda della Vera Croce" di #arezzo nel #film #oscar #Pazienteinglese #juliettebinoche #arte
【Beauty & Co.映画コラム】映画のイラストコラム。第二回目は季節モノで『ショコラ』です。#juliettebinoche #chocolat http://t.co/Gbho4IDw2L