Eule 2023. Tag 31 (aus dem Archiv, mostly pencil, letztes Aquarell)

1 20

Hammerhai 2023. Tag 29 (Tinte)
Hier seht ihr das Nervige an Tinte.
Hier seht ihr das Tolle an Tinte. 😬

7 55

Seabunny 2023. Tag 21 (dieses Mal nur eine abweichende Version vom Original, ja, auf Druckerpapier 😆😁)

4 42

Rabe 2023. Tag 20 (Titel ~~nevermore💜🥰, achtet sich auf die anderen Versionen, dieses Mal sind alle toll)

6 34

[OC] Commission for Ghostlyoceans (instagram)

(Posted by VJuneArts:

0 0


a standard XV25 with shoulder mounted launcher and additional armor plates.

39 328

Dinner Interrupted

i had a sketch lying around. thought i would swing at it a lil more. ehhh

2 38

Und weil super ist, durfte ich es in meinem Stil reproduzieren 💜
Hier die Versionen von Erst- bis Endprodukt. Spannend!


3 19

Neue Stifte, gute Stifte 😄

(auf Schmierpapier)

(See glittery detail)

2 19

apparently the miniature of the month for GW is a skink

i mean. i didnt really need a reason to draw a reptile thing. but its good of a reason as any

12 104

FEC doodle continues

in yesterday's post, so many people mentioned a cavalry.

well? here you go

flesh eating? madness? cavalry? why of course, its a MAD COW

22 229

So... clearly. my latest fixation is FEC.

and i got thinking. how would one update FEC. well? what would tickle my interests?

22 237

so. saw that weird mangy looking claw thing for rumor engine...

who's ready for Hruds?

32 254