– "This issue is a vast improvement on the previous ones". Read the full at https://t.co/Pt2WoynTid

0 2

- "This issue is a vast improvement on the previous ones". Read the full at https://t.co/Pt2WoynTid

0 2

Preview de Justice League Incarnate (Of 5) par Joshua Williamson, , Chris Burnham, , Mike Norton et Hi-Fichez https://t.co/fPBSJoVGRO

3 12

- "it feels like two issues were crammed into one resulting in a bit too much going on at once". Read the full at https://t.co/MruK97c0Xj

0 3

- "it feels like two issues were crammed into one resulting in a bit too much going on at once". Read the full at https://t.co/MruK97c0Xj

0 1