This depiction of an Emperor in procession, seemingly Justinian, is interesting because it seems some kind of mats or carpets were laid down for processions in certain areas, often strewn with some kind of aromatic plants. Though I think the Emperors entourage would be better!

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Belisarius, general of the Roman Emperor Justinian, reduced to begging by Jacques-Louis David, 1784.

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The emperor Justinian, whose reign as sole sovereign began in 527 AD, is known a/o for his Codex Justinianus, his splendid building programme and his religious policy. Above all, his reign was marked by warfare, a subject discussed in VI.3:

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Initial 'I'(mperator) in the form of a mermaid, a bird, and a hedgehog....🦔

BL Harley 3753; Justinian, Codex Justiniani in 9 books, with gloss; c.1250 CE; England, Central (possibly Oxford); f.29v

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In 550CE, the Ostrogoths, led by King Totila, conquer Rome after a year long siege. Starving and unpaid by the emperor Justinian, the Isaurian garrison betray their comrades by opening the city gates under promise of payment from Totila.

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general of the Roman Emperor reduced to begging by Jacques-Louis David, 1784.

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