//=time() ?>
Setelah kayang
Klee: master Diluc kenapa? Encok?
Karyababu by sender
Klee: master Diluc bisa kayang?
Diluc: bisa
Klee: mau liat dong!!
Diluc: ... *kayang*
Klee: 🤩
Karyababu by sender
Egelia is a pretty minor faction in the story despite them being a Katskayan ally (until they got their own bag of issues), but I wanted to draw one of the characters that quite stand out from there 👀
Have the full body ver of the sniper lady with the heavy 20kg rifle
Auroris made fighter jet turned into a technological testbed aircraft testing the experimental fly-by-wire module that was reverse engineered from a captured Katskayan aircraft.
Loved working on this, i need to learn more on painting chrome or silver finishes.
(13/9) Happy Birthday @kayanoai_0913!😊🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉
@seiyuucorner @kayanoai_0913 Happy Birthday Ai Kayano a.k.a Yomi, Kirika & Mamako!😊🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉
Art! Sender iseng nyoba gambar cepat, tapi kayanya hasilnya kurang memuaskan (˘・_・˘)
art! sender lg nyicil sample commis headshot kayak ginii hehe next kayanya mo kazuha;)) btw kalo harga 70k oke ngga??
Katskayan Mzr.713/B1 no 21, belonging to 0302 Quick Response Interception Air Group with Sea Ice camo.
*hq sender baru sadar deh gaada yang manggil oikawa "tooru" ya?? kayanya yang manggil tooru cuma tim pendukung aoba johsai? siapa karakter yg pernah manggil beliau sebagai tooru pls penasaran T___T
Prsk! TW // Stress
aku capek banget harus pakai gaya apalagi buat mencintai KAITO. harus pakai TEMPLATE GILA mana lagi buat LUAPIN perasaanku, tiap lihat FOTONYA malah MAKIN NAKSIR sampai salto KOPROL sikap lilin KAYANG jungkir balik, daripada makin gila sini kuhalalin aja ya
menurut sender kalo satoru udah buka blindfold keliatan banget baby face-nya, di tambah matanya yang bulet, besar, gemes! satoru kayanya tipe orang yang suka rawat diri dan bersih banget!!
*hq kalo bilang ke non fans kalo terushima ini male lead manga shoujo romance kayanya pada percaya deh 🥹
You made my day💘💘 あなたのおかげで素敵な一日でした
Arisu Sakayanagi from Classroom of the Elit💘💘
*hq tw // spoiler timeskip jaga jaga
guys ini ttdnya bokuto bacanya gimana sih atas ke bawah apa bawah ke atas, aku kepo, kayanya kebaca tp aku gabisa baca juga 😭
Aurorian & Katskayan armed forces lore + uniform is finally here (and updated)
finally shedding some light of the bigger lore regarding the kingdom of Auroris after most of the recent times I've mostly been covering the Katskayan one.