

今年は がローンチ予定だど考えると、現在価格の1兆枚(約6000万円)であれば余裕で

19 72

x Watanabe Boxing Gym

We are thrilled to announce the partnership with Watanabe Boxing Gym, one of the largest boxing gym in the world🔥🥊

We'll start to have the of star players and more to come🚀



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遂に上場企業が参入してきたのと、Gamefiが無くならない限り、上記企業は2作目以降も を通じてリリースする可能性が高い🥰✨しかもゲーマー層を

28 75

Sup, brothers👊

Let us introduce our cutie little girl and don't underestimate her, she's really a tough girl🤜

There are only few female characters, and they'll probably become a rare one, so be sure to check them out🔥


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