(Kingsman Fanbook)
pairing : Merlin x Harry x Eggsy
PG | B5 | 48p | 250 บาท

(Original Characters Comic by Tomas Francis)
PG | A5 | 76P | 100 บาท

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今更ですが、kingsman のGazelle 好きすぎてつらい❤️頭からつま先までツボ🥹私の宇宙では生きておる 

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"Manners maketh man."

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Eruri Kingsman au for ruru 🥳

857 4028

Segundo uma fonte verificada do DCEULeaks, o roteirista de "The Authority" é Jeremy Slater (Moon Knight)

Matthew Vaughn (Stardust, Kick-Ass, X-Men: First Class, Kingsman) está em negociações para dirigir.

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High Card was another hidden gem of the anime winter season. It reminded me a little of Kingsman. I liked the power system of story. The characters were good, especially Finn and Chris, but I would have liked to see more with other members of the team.

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i really do love gentleman spies

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Aurum (1st picture, Fem Variant included whose is named Aurem, although Aurem is Noncanon.)

Orozone (2nd picture, him wielding The Kingsman's Gunblade.)

Starlit (3rd picture, only uses an old REF and hasn't been given a proper redesign for 2 years ;-;)

you're welcome

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yes, I started drawing a Kingsman mini-comic. i have loved this fandom since the beginning. I can say that this is a continuation after the second film. I think it will be something)))

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reminder that both these things were brought to you by matthew vaughn.

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watching kingsman isn’t enough I need eggsy unwin to be my best friend

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Impressive poster for Kingsman: The Secret Service by

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