Kiseop, answering my comment in the same way as everyone else looking like a bot: 🔥


2 7

もうすぐ、、、一年経つね😭キスミ姫😫 でも明日楽しみ~💓💓💓で、今日は徹夜のつもり。。。


5 18

~ ~

💜 Kiseop _ Scandal 💜

I just felt the urge to draw him immediately after watching the MV 🔥💘💕

And it's too! 💗


25 59

[Kiseop / photo] Break up! I really like the starts they drew on his neck u.u♥ Thank for your request

22 13

[Kiseop / photo] 시간이 없어서 자주 그리진 못하지만... 시간 날때마다 조금씩 그릴게요. 늦어서 미안해요;ㅅ; 에슐리씨 리퀘 고맙습니다 XD

17 11

[Kiseop+Hoon+Kevin / photo ] hehe..^▽^;; Don't bother Kiseop! Thank for your request.

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