My Rat dragon. I don’t know what’s up with the wings. I just thought it was cool looking.

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You explore the underground caves in search of the plagued rats. You find them...

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(This species of Dragon spend most of their time in the water but love to explore on land & are very friendly espeically with humans often acting like puppies)

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What if the monkey king was also a dragon?

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(This species is most pixie like than some dragons & are often hard to find but they live in large groups mainly in forests. They can mimic the sounds of other animals)

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Name: Gaoth Airgid

All that is known is that they keep to themselves & don't interact with Humans Especially in populated Areas but in the Wilderness far from any city we may find them

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Name: Dullajac

( Some tales and folklore speak of this
wonders around night gathering all of the spirits roaming around to lay then to rest)

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Yes, i know, it was fast, but i love those challenges! Added both a Sr Perlo and Kaetlyn pumpkins!

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(They are known as the of the Cosmos, hiding themselves in a thick must coming from their mouth, being able to disappear & Reappear without a trace some may say it is like that of a Haunted Ship)

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The prompt for this week's is a moon dragon, so why not a dragon that *is* the moon?
This one turned out very cute and happy and I love it

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Name: Mizutsuki 🌊

(It is said she brings controls the moon herself and bends the tides to her will and that Tsunami's occur when she is enraged but no one knows even if she or her counterpart truly exist being so elusive.)

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