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chillin and taking tests with kman!!
#Vtuber #Vtubers #ENVtuber #PNGtuber #twitch #twitchaffiliate #TwitchStreamers #streamer #VTubersAreStillWatching
OPEN 16:00
DJ:Nono THING / JG / wargh / Jeff Vader / WAKA XINXI / YOSHI KANOU
UNIT:Revoxx & Fled Tokyo B2B
DJ:TasticFunk / Synare / BEPPU / SiNGULAR / Kman / ALLY / AiMii / Naoya Miyake
VJ:Copper Cross
2021 - The Upcoming Terror!⚔️
➡️November 12th, 2021⬅️
BONDED - Into Blackness🇩🇪🔥2nd album! Dortmund, German Thrash Metal🔥
YT➡️'Into The Blackness of a Wartime Night' https://t.co/XrPWwVMIl8 @CenturyMedia #BondedOfficial #IntoBlackness #ThrashMetal #TheUpcomingTerror21 #KMaN
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕October 1st Release #41🎧3rd album from Calgary, Alberta, Candian Power/Speed Metal outfit🔥HROM - Legends of Powerheart: Part II🇨🇦🔥*Vinyl Release
BC➡️https://t.co/qxK0oPhefe #HromHeavyMetal #LegendsofPowerHeart #PowerSpeed #HooveChildRecords #FFFOct1 #KMaN
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕June 11th Release #20🎧3rd album from Thuringia, German Symphonic Melodic Death/Black Metal outfit🔥PATH OF DESTINY - The Seed of all Evil🇩🇪🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/6yrwvxXFQ4 @PathofDestiny66 #TheSeedofallEvil #ApostasyRecords #SymphonicMDBM #FFFJun11 #KMaN
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕June 11th Release #12🎧Debut album from California, US Progressive Metal outfit🔥INTERLOPER - Search Party🇺🇸🔥
SPFY➡️https://t.co/cXNE5km1UG @NuclearBlastAus @JohnRiot @InterloperBand_ #SearchParty #ProgressiveMetal #FFFJun11 #KMaN
2021 - The Upcoming Terror!⚔️
➡️July 30th, 2021⬅️
EXPUNGED - Into Never Shall🇨🇦🔥Debut album! Ottawa, Ontario, Canadian Death Metal🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/OCVpUdNXXk #Expunged @hellshead666 #IntoNeverShall #DeathMetal #TheUpcomingTerror21 #KMaN
Deth Dekk Dominions:🎧🆕2nd album from Perth, W.A, Australian Death Metal outfit🔥CRYPT CRAWLER - Future Usurper🇦🇺🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/rnwugIyVTS @cryptcrawleraus @BlackRhenoBand #FutureUsurper #DeathMetal #DDDJun2 #DethDekk #KMaN
2021 - The Upcoming Terror!⚔️
➡️June 2nd, 2021⬅️
CRYPT CRAWLER - Future Usurper🇦🇺🔥2nd album! Perth, W.A, Australian Death Metal🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/rnwugIyVTS #CryptCrawler #FutureUsurper #DeathMetal #TheUpcomingTerror21 #KMaN
2021 - The Upcoming Terror!⚔️
➡️May 21st, 2021⬅️
VULTURE - Dealin' Death 🇩🇪🔥3rd album! German Speed/Thrash Metal🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/fRhEysvN04 @MetalBlade #VultureKills #DealinDeath #Vulture #SpeedThrashMetal #TheUpcomingTerror21 #KMaN
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕March 26th Release #20🎧5 Track Mini-LP from Brooklyn, NYC, US Progressive Metal/Post-Black outfit🔥GHOSTBOUND - Extended Play For My Sweet Mary Thyme🇺🇸🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/CIDemfzXO2 @Ghostbound_NYC @dewarpr #RedNebulaRecords #ProgPostBlack #FFFMar26 #KMaN
2021 - The Upcoming Terror!⚔️
➡️April 2nd, 2021⬅️
LORD - Undercovers Vol.1🇦🇺🔥23 track covers album! Sydney, Australian Power/Heavy Metal🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/98nLKSTK5y @lordofficial @AndyDowling @thatguyfromlord #UndercoversVol1 #PowerHeavyMetal #TheUpcomingTerror21 #KmaN
Got tagged by my homegurl @definitesin to do one of these so imma try. Names KMAN jus Tryin to produce more and improve.
Tagging @MineraruGom1 @mucklegoo @WizzyCheese @ARyujisama
2021 - The Upcoming Terror!⚔️
➡️February 12th, 2021⬅️
SWAMPBEAST - Seven Evils Spawned of Seven Heads🇺🇸🔥Debut album! L.A, Cali, US Death Metal/Grindcore🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/ZguAgTq8eY #Swampbeast #SevenEvilsSpawnedofSevenHeads #DeathMetalGrindcore #TheUpcomingTerror21 #KMaN
Deth Dekk Dominions:🎧Debut album from Nottingham, England, UK Death Metal outfit🔥MORDHAU - Immaculate Massacre🇬🇧🔥
BC➡️https://t.co/qGEoZBABgw #Mordhau #ImmaculateMassacre #DeathMetal #DethDekk #KMaN
2020 - The Upcoming Terror!⚔️ART REVEAL⚔️
➡️November 27th, 2020⬅️
SODOM - Genesis XIX🇩🇪🔥16th album! Gelsenkirchen, German Thrash Metal Legends🔥
BC➡️Coming soon....
@sodomized #SPV #Steamhammer #GenesisXIX #ThrashMetal #theupcomingterror #KMaN