LOL I think Koei Tecmo really likes Fox Girl costumes. 😁

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So this is in tandem with the last drawing I did.

SW1 Oichi in her 4 counterpart's WO4U bonus costume! I said before it would suit her younger self better, and I was right!
(May color later)

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Disclaimer: In Musou, I have no ship loyalties. All is fair game to me. Wu's Fire Attack Duo is Rivals to Best Friends (though, I won't deny I've indulged in the ship).
WITH THAT SAID, I couldn't not make this joke. 😎🔥

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If you look closely at Zhu Ran's model, he has eyeliner. So I thought "I wonder if I can add a bit of Visual Kei flair to this?"
From there, I just gave him black lipstick.
It's an odd little project, I know, but what do you guys think?

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"Ahh~! It's hot! Too hot!
Why am I... so burning hot? Have you lit a fire in my heart? Could that be it?" 🔥
「ああ~! 暑い!暑すぎる! ここ、なんでこんなに暑いんだ? お前が俺の心に火を付けた?そういうことなのか...?」🔥

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All of a sudden, I bring a blushing Zhu Ran!
Ahh~! Cute! Too cute!

ああ~! 可愛い! 可愛すぎる!

(誰か考えてるの? 恋人でしょう? んー、誰のかな~?)

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Also I seriously hope everyone gets the maybe reason why Ramizel's lastname is "Erlenmeyer"....

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Une démo de Blue Reflection : Second Light maintenant disponible au Japon sur Nintendo Switch et PS4

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This suddenly came to mind because I've noticed in all of Zhu Ran's primary costumes, there's some kind of purple accent color. So I decided to see how Zhu Ran with purple hair would look. Ended up doing his eyes too. He looks good imo

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Koei Tecmo sortira Touken Ranbu Warriors le 24 mai 2022 sur Nintendo Switch en Occident, premières infos, bande-annonce et images

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Last one, and it's exactly as my friend predicted. XD

Fully embraced by the warmth, it spreads from within to physically show in his eyes AND his hair.
He looks so happy to be accepted by the flames.
In all seriousness, a cool look!

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Ok, I have two more of these color alter sets because the ideas wouldn't leave my head. XD

Eyes are the window to the soul, right? So I literally gave Zhu Ran fire colored eyes. Look into them and see the inferno within. 👀🔥

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One more experimental color change for Zhu Ran, NieR/Drakengard inspired. The red eye albino ones, I had Zero from Drakengard 3 & Kaine from NieR in mind. The cold white/gray eyes, I had the YoRHa androids as inspiration.

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I conducted more experiments in XPS and GIMP. This time, Zhu Ran's eye color. Before anyone says anything, I chose green because it would be very easy to see the change take. That said, it kinda looks cool in my opinion.

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I also tried the red hair on DW8 Zhu Ran. Didn't quite go as smoothly on a quick edit, you can still ses black streaks. Got a bit of a "Shadow the Hedgehog" thing going. But hey, it's perfect imperfection. I still love it. ❤

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Even though I didn't make it in time for Zhu Ran's Day, I finally finished my drawing of Zhu Ran chilling! Whoo!🔥
「朱然の日」が間に合わなかったのに、私の「のんびりしてる朱然」のらくがきがついに完成した! ワイ!🔥

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Koei Tecmo sortira Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX mondialement le 9 décembre sur Nintendo Switch, PC et iOS

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Here is a first look at the Ryza Outfit and Hat featured in MAIDEN OF BLACK WATER! This costume will be available to those who purchase the game within the first two weeks of launch.


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I feel kinda strange for making tis 😳
And alert.
This is actually in but she turned into the Ogress

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