Finally figured out how to change DW8 Zhu Ran's eye color.

They say that "Eyes are the window to the soul." What better way to show that than giving Zhu Ran eyes of a fiery topaz color? 😁🔥



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If you look closely at Zhu Ran's model, he has eyeliner. So I thought "I wonder if I can add a bit of Visual Kei flair to this?"
From there, I just gave him black lipstick.
It's an odd little project, I know, but what do you guys think?

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All of a sudden, I bring a blushing Zhu Ran!
Ahh~! Cute! Too cute!

ああ~! 可愛い! 可愛すぎる!

(誰か考えてるの? 恋人でしょう? んー、誰のかな~?)

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I also tried the red hair on DW8 Zhu Ran. Didn't quite go as smoothly on a quick edit, you can still ses black streaks. Got a bit of a "Shadow the Hedgehog" thing going. But hey, it's perfect imperfection. I still love it. ❤

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