I started a new job and i feel really tired, but i still wanted to draw something quick. It's the year of the rabbit so i put them in bunny onesies.

7 16

Noticed some similarities between Amber and Dvas bunny motif and just had to🐰

6 14

I can't date Amber so I hope one of them do it ^^

3 14

kaeber Week2022: Day 3 frenemies 🐰🦚
🐰Amber: Senpai! Pls, stop petting my head!😡
🦚Kaeya: Nah, I know u like petting~~~

4 13

//slam dunks this in while the meme is trending

10 12

Work got in my way to contribute more to but here’s one’s I did for funnies

15 25

How about a kiss from your lovely senpai on your birthday?

18 81

6. Kaember

el manga m dio literalmente la vida con estos dos chau ADORO SU DINÁMICA son literalmente judy y nick y moriré con eso en la mente.

1 7

- ты что, флиртуешь
со мной?

- я тебе весь
вечер подмигиваю

- я думала ты

7 33

its valentines day so here’s some doodle of genshin ships I like….. 🏃‍♀️💨 my artstyle is so unconsistent pls do not mind-

29 90

"See you later, princess"

2 8

I added some parts of Amber's alternate design. I like the colors of her first outfit more, i think it fits her better than mostly everything in red.

3 12

I'm posting it again, i was so tired yesterday i didn't see i had drawn Kaeya's hand the wrong way. I also added some shadows.

5 14