é uma boa chance de lembrar das suas raízes... Embora seja um projeto "internacional", ele tem origem Brasileira e merece representar esse fato! Então segue uma "cover art PTBR" preliminar! 😁

(International posting will resume shortly)

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I actually have far-reaching plans for Kalia, the world she inhabits and the lore behind it, that go beyond I started drafting a map of the region surrounding her, since it makes it easier to place down future plot points and set pieces.

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It's an important tool that will help us later!

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I take a break from actively working on on the weekends (mostly), but I still like to have a go at doing art. I'm a bit self-aware about these, but I also need to remind myself that I'm doing these as a secondary and without proper equipment.

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Also, want to bring attention to the fact I just hit the 100 follow mark! May not seem like much, but everyone has to start somewhere, and the fact that a couple of people were interested enough in to stick around motivates me to keep going. Thanks guys!

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Still taking my holiday break from coding, but I felt like needed a provisory banner for... Stuff! 😅

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