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金子るいさんからの招待状きた!got an invitation from kaneko rui!!! https://t.co/igyupNwvdb
Hello I'm Vtuber+Illustrator Kaneko Mineko!
🐈YT: https://t.co/HPOSvIYfId
❤️依頼 : https://t.co/hTn8mFOPII
💛総合/General : #金子みねこ #KanekoMineko
❤️配信/Stream : #KaneMineLive
💛ファンアート/Fanart :… https://t.co/0KrXUrWltH
Hello I'm Vtuber+Illustrator Kaneko Mineko!
🐈YT: https://t.co/HPOSvIYfId
❤️依頼 : https://t.co/hTn8mFOPII
💛総合/General : #金子みねこ #KanekoMineko
❤️配信/Stream : #KaneMineLive
💛切り抜き/Clip :… https://t.co/nZ7ZisCcHc
Nemissa is my fave kaneko's girl design (and personality-wise) that she ended up influencing some of my OCs lmao
3 years ago, I was the one who made the vtuber 3d model of Yuri Amaris, AKA Yuri Fuura and Lumi Kaneko's first design
I was the mystery 3d modeler who wasn't credited for these two after all of these years
I wanna put kujaku myo-o on the karuma bestiary but had no idea on its design because going for standard peacock color -> kaneko plagiarism
had to do a different approach :/
friend "I think Kaneko Mineko is look alike skitty?"
そうかな? https://t.co/CRgBWVeqFe
what happened to my artwork and why it downgraded?
tbh I was dissatisfied with my art style, I don't wanna draw moe "cute" characters or bishies. I wanna draw the rough gekiga 80s/90s style, so I switched references to kaneko's artwork
クトゥルフ神話TRPG 「 サモンファミリア♡リンカーネィション 」
KP よしえさん #otya_trpg03
HO1-召喚士 Neil・Wilkerson / 井ノ内
HO2-使い魔 天笠 珠羽里 / カネコさん #kaneko_bab
どうも新人Vtuber・Vイラストレーター金子みねこ「カネネコ」です!Hello I'm Vtuber + Illustrator Kaneko Mineko!
💴🐈YT: https://t.co/edbkAFGfVV
依頼 : https://t.co/GE2RgFrLYt
総合 : #金子みねこ #KanekoMineko
配信 : #KaneMineLive
I wonder why nobody ever made a ball jointed doll with kaneko style face up (instead of the usual bjd face).
His art style is best suited for BJD tho
#ラーメン赤猫 #ramen_akaneko
sometimes I wonder, if AI becoming even more powerful (I've seen a generated works in Kaneko's style, horrifies me), eventually human artist would ditch the "professional" anatomy and return back to the era of sketchy, cartoony exaggerated designs
hmmmm idk what to say about the new kaneko designs ☠️
Kaneko's human OC designs set in modern days are always minimalistic, either wearing business suits, but even they stood out in a way, even if the colors are muted
metaphor's character designs looked nice tho, one guy in particular looked like he escaped from kazuma kaneko's asylum (must be the kohl)