金子るいさんからの招待状きた!got an invitation from kaneko rui!!! https://t.co/igyupNwvdb

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SkebにてKaneko Lumiさんを描かせていただきました!


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Hello I'm Vtuber+Illustrator Kaneko Mineko!
🐈YT: https://t.co/HPOSvIYfId
❤️依頼 : https://t.co/hTn8mFOPII
💛総合/General :
❤️配信/Stream :
💛ファンアート/Fanart :… https://t.co/0KrXUrWltH

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Hello I'm Vtuber+Illustrator Kaneko Mineko!
🐈YT: https://t.co/HPOSvIYfId
❤️依頼 : https://t.co/hTn8mFOPII
💛総合/General :
❤️配信/Stream :
💛切り抜き/Clip :… https://t.co/nZ7ZisCcHc

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Nemissa is my fave kaneko's girl design (and personality-wise) that she ended up influencing some of my OCs lmao

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3 years ago, I was the one who made the vtuber 3d model of Yuri Amaris, AKA Yuri Fuura and Lumi Kaneko's first design

I was the mystery 3d modeler who wasn't credited for these two after all of these years

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I wanna put kujaku myo-o on the karuma bestiary but had no idea on its design because going for standard peacock color -> kaneko plagiarism

had to do a different approach :/

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赫猫さん(@ Akaneko_398)の素敵な線画を塗らせていただきました!ありがとうございました!!

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Si, muchos diseños de Kaneko tienen esa atención al detalle en cuanto a la funcionalidad de ciertas partes, que me parece genial. Por ejemplo no tenía idea de que dante guardaba sus pistolas en esos compartimientos en su pecho

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friend "I think Kaneko Mineko is look alike skitty?"

そうかな? https://t.co/CRgBWVeqFe

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what happened to my artwork and why it downgraded?

tbh I was dissatisfied with my art style, I don't wanna draw moe "cute" characters or bishies. I wanna draw the rough gekiga 80s/90s style, so I switched references to kaneko's artwork

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クトゥルフ神話TRPG 「 サモンファミリア♡リンカーネィション 」

KP よしえさん

HO1-召喚士 Neil・Wilkerson / 井ノ内
HO2-使い魔 天笠 珠羽里 / カネコさん



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どうも新人Vtuber・Vイラストレーター金子みねこ「カネネコ」です!Hello I'm Vtuber + Illustrator Kaneko Mineko!
💴🐈YT: https://t.co/edbkAFGfVV
依頼 : https://t.co/GE2RgFrLYt
総合 :
配信 :

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I wonder why nobody ever made a ball jointed doll with kaneko style face up (instead of the usual bjd face).

His art style is best suited for BJD tho

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sometimes I wonder, if AI becoming even more powerful (I've seen a generated works in Kaneko's style, horrifies me), eventually human artist would ditch the "professional" anatomy and return back to the era of sketchy, cartoony exaggerated designs

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hmmmm idk what to say about the new kaneko designs ☠️

Kaneko's human OC designs set in modern days are always minimalistic, either wearing business suits, but even they stood out in a way, even if the colors are muted

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metaphor's character designs looked nice tho, one guy in particular looked like he escaped from kazuma kaneko's asylum (must be the kohl)

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