with child
Painting by Charles William Bartlett from Kashmir, 1930 at Robyn Buntin of Honolulu

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Yozsi Leagael (front guy above)
Luna (bootleg Tifa 😂)
Kashmir, son of Vietnir (wacky scarf)
Amaro Fruss (Glasses guy, an acquaintance that later joins the group)

Some ~REALLY~ old paintings with them / their world:

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Two Nautch Girls, Kashmir, watercolour on paper, William Carpenter, 1854

- Nautch girls were a popular theme for artists in the 19th Century, William was trained at the Royal Academy and traveled extensively in India in the early 1850s.

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Shias mourn, Shias renew resolve to fight against tyranny.
In Indian occupied Shias suffer due to the tyranny of state.
Illustration by a most talented Kashmiri artist

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これ上げたらフォロワーが減るのでは??表情に心を撃ち抜かれて書き始めたけどおっさんが三匹!!!皺一本で老けちゃう。漫画家ってすごい。"Children on the street at Rangdum, Kashmir, India" by https://t.co/8R30pbuxVq is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

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Diana Ruth Wilson spent her 40th birthday in Kashmir, riding on the Gilgit Road planthunting and drawing

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