Raiden Shogun of honkai, but with a dragon, is been two years and i had never got her is like kasuha i had to wait 2vrevruna to get him hahha, should be an amazing team with Fischl and Aponia, anyways, see you later laaaav you, ¡have Fun!!!

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🎄CosNatsu Xmas
24-25 ธ.ค.นี้ ที่ SiamScape 11.00น. - 21.00น.


4 11

타카 신부님 & 악마 수하

103 290

halloween plz...

65 208

ikasuha GOGO~💥💥

10 47

I feel like Kazuha would be the clingy drunk type 🍃🔍

7 67

he has been my cursed 50/50 char, already C3, but the last 3 banners i pulled for 5 stars i won the 50/50, Yelan, Ayato and today Kasuha, so just for that i bought him his new drip

0 2

Haze too!! (and a little haruhaze for my friend who loves them :) first 2 are requests for her!)

2 5

Siento que es una mezcla de xiao y kasuha (no me acuerdo cómo se escribe jakdjka)

Talvez por eso ahora lo quiero con todas mis fuerzas-

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