Another Kawaiiosaur drawing, this time it's Demi. I love drawing Demi with all her frills and bows.

Every time a draw one of the characters I think "this is my favourite one to draw" and then thenext one comes along and it starts all over again.

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Just in case people think I have forgotten about my Dinogirls. I'm working on getting some stickers made up. Trying to pick which girls I would focus on was hard.

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Tara has a really fun and energetic side to her.

I didn't think I would get it done this quick, but on the other hand I could tinker forever with different parts.

My two prints are now complete for Comic Street.

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A day spent drawing is a day well spent 😁

Karen in her Dino Onsie all coloured. Went back to a more cell shade style to line up with the style of the comic book.

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I'm into writting the script for Issue 2 of After the Kawaiiosaurs Attack. And I'm realising that I have written more pages than I thought. I want to pace this issue a bit better so I'm interested in seeing where I am when I hit the magic 24.

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It's back to writting the next issue of Kawaiiosaurs so there isn't much to post. But I did get some base colours down for my 3 Love Live girls.

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Well, after a month of late nights and hard work I think it's finally finished. Tomorrow it will be in the hands of the printing gods.

And do you know what I am going to do tomorrow? I'm going to draw (I think there is something wrong with me).

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I stayed up late last night getting this coloured, but now she needs a name. Also LOGO! How cool is the logo did for me. I'm super excited about doing a cover now.

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A little bit of a mock up of my main Kawaiiosaur Tara and the main character (who is currently nameless).

What do you think of her hair colour?

I'm open for a suggestion of a name.

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Holly hell it's October already. This might be the last post of Kawaiiosaurs for the month. I have to get in and finish my Night Terror Mini Comic and a couple of Zombie Prints.

Tara all inked and coloured.

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Just a bit of a test colour of Demi. It's a little plain without her skirt but I think I like the colour combination. Also I might have a story to go along with them but I will keep chipping away at it.

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