Hey, guess who's finally revisiting her

Meet tiger Blaze, a royal exotic pet that was rescued recently from a wealthy tycoon

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Now for Knuckles in

He's a ferret with a tendency to hoard shiny things~ Fiercely protective over his little hoard and the pretty big gemstone he found a while back!

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Next on

Amy Rose! She's a pomeranian, and works at the walk in vet!

12 48

Another for

I try not to keep the characters as the same species as their originals, but if I have to keep it, I try to put a spin on them~ So Tails is now a fennec fox~! :D

4 24

We got Silver, a long haired syrian hamster! His powers are pink. He'll make a hamster ball with his powers to run around in, but accidentally runs over the other pets. He stores sunflower seed packets in his fur

13 58