Spotted your favourite coat colour of your cat ✨

9 21

Bersyukur dengan nikmat yang diberi...

22 50

Hello! i joined 's dtiys challenge and here's my entryy.. “Alice And Her Fraternal Twin”

Congrats on hitting 2k followers! Your art is amazing!

16 32

My first time joining

*Me & My Girls 🤍

37 59

DAY 17 :

“Who climbs the mountain does not always climb. The winding road slants downward many a time..Yet each DESCENT is higher than the last”

2 7

DAY 15 :

“There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true FRIENDSHIP - Thomas Aquinas”

5 12

DAY 10 :

“The EARTH is a fine place and worth fighting for..

As we fighting to get a box of macarons”

5 8

DAY 8 :

“You don’t have to spend a lot of money on new DECOR for a room makeover either....”

“ still need so damn much MONEY”

9 12

DAY 6 :

“no EMPEROR has the power to dictate to the heart”

10 14

DAY 2 :

“Each one has their own story, the others are figures and FIGURINES of this story.”

8 15

Pelepah kelapa menjadi bara,
Terbakar semua tidak tersisa,
Wahai saudara seiman senegara,
Ku ucapkan selamat menjalani puasa...

11 16