『幻想郷ディフェンダーズ』『幻走スカイドリフト』『不思議の幻想郷TOD -RELOADED-』『不思議の幻想郷 -ロータスラビリンス-』『舞華蒼魔鏡』『幻想討幻経』『Keen: One Girl Army』『Kholat』が最大70%OFFのセール開催中!Nintendo eShop/Steamにてお買い逃しなく☺️

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Here is my 105th free game code of 2020.

Sticking with my Oct/Halloween theme👻

-tag 1 friend

For a chance to be DM'd an NA eShop code for a $15 horror adv game narrated by Sean Bean.

This game was inspired by true events. 🎮

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RED ART GAMES announces exploration/adventure game 'KHOLAT' for Switch https://t.co/OuPzr19zf2

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Do you want your horror-themed exploration game narrated by Sean Bean? delivers. A game about getting lost in the snowy wilderness with only a compass & map to find your way. It's light on the gameplay, and the framerate dips sometimes, but is worth a try!

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48 Hours Scream Stream 15th - 17th Oct

11 Streams / 48hrs / £1000 goal for

I will be streaming on the 15th from 4-8pm playing Soma or Kholat...or something spookier... Our Raid Train will be onto

Spread the Word!

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