# kidlit

WOW! Buzzing with excitement over everyones’ insightful comments. Thank you Sarah Heaton for choosing my subversive story. Thank you , , , , , and for your critique.

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How’s your going? Do you have any zombie manuscripts that could be revived to submit to children’s magazines? Did you attend last night’s pitch practice on Zoom? If so, how did it go? Thanks for all your great engagement this week!

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Before I read the attached post, I thought this was literally about zombie PBs!😅 I was like ME! ME! I'm working on a dummy for an undead unicorn!
As for what you are ACTUALLY talking about though, I do have some of those, but no idea how to revive 'em (yet)!

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I'm so impressed with the mer-zombie characterization entries for my contest hosted by ! They are so smart, intriguing, inspiring and funny. Several of them made me laugh out loud. I'm always so amazed by the brainpower of the community!

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A steam-powered robot kid finds out he can't swim when he gets pushed in the pool by a bully. 🧟‍♂️ The art has generated interest and submission requests, but editors and agents have said the MS needed a more cohesive narrative.

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I'm Liz Rice a Participant in I like to write Fiction and also Picture Book biographies! I am also currently working on a middle grade novel in verse & a YA time travel novel. I'm excited to be here!

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Intro: I'm critique donor Kirsten W. Larson author of WOOD, WIRE, WINGS: Emma Lilian Todd Invents an Airplane. I use to work with rocket scientists for NASA, now I write books for curious kids.

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