Happy Had to get myself this new Black Fur🐻🔪

thanks to for the smooth tx 🤝

Hit me up if your looking to enter the or have some socks for trade!

26 73

Welcome to the KillaVerse, 💥

64 163

Happy Web3.

Remember, in the Killaverse, things tend to happen VERY quickly.

19 43

Welcome to the KillaVerse, ⚡️

48 126

Welcome to the KillaVerse, 💥

Great pickups🔥

50 121

KillaLabs Research is proud to announce our new CEO - Dr. Fogerty Fomo!

We know we need big brains working in our favor if we want to and 's is one of the biggest 🧠

Welcome home, Ser!

85 166

Alright EIGHT-FIVE!!! We ready 4 ya.

To show u love & respect, and a flavor of just how we do it in the we wanted to give u a lil something.

Can’t wait 2 see u as a .

S/O: 4 his magic🫂


7 11

Welcome to the KillaVerse, 💚

44 118

Welcome to the KillaVerse, 💥

Great pickup💎

28 91

Welcome to the KillaVerse, 🎯

Can the KGB show some?!


21 58

Welcome to the KillaVerse, 🎯

23 77

Welcome to the KillaVerse, 💥

Great pickup 📈

31 85

Welcome to the KillaVerse, 🚨

Trait Stacking for the teddybear workshop? LFG! 📈

12 60

Welcome to the KillaVerse, 🚨

Laser vision, great pickup. Did you consult our in-house expert, ?

Congratulations! 📈

16 51

Another Day, Another Ape. 💥

Welcome to the KILLAVERSE,

20 59

Welcome to the KILLAVERSE, 🌌

Great pickup 💥

10 49

Welcome to the KILLAVERSE, 💥

Great pickups!

13 37

Welcome to the KillaVerse, ‼️

Great pickup!🎯

14 54

Welcome to the KillaVerse, 🚨

GREAT bulk buy.📈

25 87