"You say 'I hate you', but all I hear is 'fuck me'."

Daozhang is dirty~~ 💦💦🍭🍬🍫

This is another collaboration. Please read the fic wrote 😂😂 https://t.co/xuQSHN6132

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这个月 活动的主题是 “Kink” 就是“癖好”的意思。是那种用 鞭子/手铐/蜡烛 等等play。

在 26日-31日的任何一天发布同人作品(可走外连🔗)并打上 即可。

**Bonus 如果在万圣节(31日)可以发布和节日有关的作品那也在好不过了~🤤 吸血鬼paro加捆绑Play 👀

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event is back on Kinktober. Just post your fanwork(s) with anytime between 26th-31st October.

**Bonus points if you pick a spooky theme for Halloween
(Give us those steamy vampire AUs with chains & whips~we a thirsty bunch 🤤)

Poster by

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