Ice age Euasian rhinoceros:Elasmotherium sibiricum/Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis complex/Coelodonta antiquitatis

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Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis calf chases pretty grasshoppers on a sandy heathland in Eemian Jutland.

These three particular grasshopper-species are dependent on patches of exposed ground and low vegetation. Such microhabitats are facilitated by megafauna grazing & browsing.

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日本に生息していた更新世のサイ、ステファノリヌス属(Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis)の骨格図、筋肉図、生体図2点を制作しました。卒業制作の一環です。監修は半田直人さん( )に見て頂きました。これからイラストボードに転写し、清書に入ります。

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Still going on with the fossil rhinos. Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis, the Eurasian forest rhino.

The head is based on a skull recently found in Yakutia, but the rest mostly on the skeletal of a related species, S. hundsheimensis. Not sure if the torso should really be so short.

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