kittankeさん( )に納品頂いた白ワンピのシルルスです!🐟✨

13 77

Artist • Kittanke
Skeb • 2,000¥ (14 USD)

Link below🔻

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Also textless, I need to show off my boys Kittan and Viral lol

36 205

please watch Kittan Zero

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and here with some delay there is the page 18 of after all it seems that kittan still has several lives to use yet, and finally all this case is solved, now that the danger is over, what will our detectives talk about?

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I just know they were impossible to seperate the second they got back to Tir Asleen (also big spoon jet pack Kit supremacy)

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I love this one so much, the artist perfectly captured the "low IQ glue eater" vibe I wanted!~


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They really are taking up all my thoughts, I’ve drawn barely anything but they since I got into the show a month ago

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Rambo-kittan por como la historia esta divida en dos ambas son dibertidas de leer y pasa un buen rato en el México furro.
Espero a ver con que historia sale en el siguiente número.

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and here is the new page of the webcomic, trash and dichoto are arguing about what trash truly saw... is there an explanation about all trash is saying? maybe you will see in the new comic page of

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y aqui la nueva pagina del comic! trash y dichoto empiezan a discutir sobre lo que este vio... cual sera la verdad sobre las contradicciones de trash?
veanlo en la siguiente pagina de

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Un dibujo dedicado a , es nada más ni nada menos que Kittan Corvo!
Gracias por todo el apoyo bro. ¡Mucha suerte con tu comic!


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I’m so CUTE!!!



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new page of the 8 chapter of trash was able to get something to eat but looks like the price was too high... and now all the focus is on dichoto who hid some important information

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nueva pagina del capitulo 8 de trash consiguio algo de comer como queria... aunque le costo mucho, y ahora toda la atencion esta en dichoto quien a escondido informacion

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si vieron mis tweets de madrugada sabrán que me puse a trabajar en un mod y pues aquí el resultado~ siempre respeto a los juegos que tienen formas faciles de modear para dar mas diversión a sus fans y tenia que hacer a kittan~
el juego es World of Horror

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