Requested by my sunlaced parasol — klaus and caroline having a picnic, and her in shorts! there is nobody I’d come back to for but you melissemis.

(also couldn’t decide which version i liked better, so have both)

5 14

villain x hero ships make brain go brrrr

9 30

The artist is just-orson on Tumblr! Her Dramione and Klaroline art is beautiful!

0 3

never not thinking about this klaroline fanart by just-orson on tumblr

0 4

I think I'm Ship cursed:

- I Got Reylo, But Ben Died Just After, In The Final Film

- I Got Klaroline, But Klaus Died Just After, In The Final Season

- I Got Bellarke Set Up, But Bellamy Is Said To Die Next Season, The Final Season

The J Writers Hate Me:
- JJ
- Julie
- Jason

1 2

"the Caroline I knew." Gjahsjsjsjsjskaksjajajajaj

23 19

give me love like her.

63 58

You have bewitched me, body and soul.

8 10

This is so beautiful 😍

30 34

His smile was so precious i'm never getting over this

66 57


123 8