tfw ur wings dont work anymore because ur mate too pretty 🥺🥺
(doesnt excuse him laughing at u but hes cute when he lauchs, too bad for your heart =w=;;)

52 268

first(?) meetings with the rumored god of fire (and wrath) while trying to get your village mist flowers for potions to combat the chill of winter.. was it too close to hallowed ground?
(idk how to bg o)-( )

81 485

Watching drawing these two lovebirds is really inspiring
And after reading the fiction, I thought it would be cute, if Kaeya brushed Dilucs hair, instead of the maids

23 91

Birds of Paradise (aka gaybirbs/reincarnation) au thread!!
gonna be putting stuff related to the au here along with a new tag for easy viewing!!
(wedding dance ;;u;;;;;;;;;)

93 508