BERRIAK, BERRIAK!! (Aldizkarietan bezala... 🤣🤣)
Hiru irudi daude, eta bukaeran azalpena.
Manga berriak apirilan aterako dira eta gure weborrian pre-salketa edo pre-venta egingo dugu zuen etxera komikia iristeko argitarazterakoan.

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Mutant. Krakoan. Captain Britain. Hero.

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A dapper looking gentleman. Commission for Koan.

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Zer dio jateari uzten dionak, jateari uzten dionean?
Anorexiara bestelako gerturapen bat egin du k ren hilabete honetako monografikoan. Hemen duzue marraztu dudan azaleko ilustrazioa:

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nice to meet you.
My name is Ikoan.
I'm a Japanese artist.
I'm drawing an illustration of a pretty girl.
If you like, I would be grateful if you could invite me!
Thank you very much.

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15 Aug 1281: Kublai Khan's Chinese fleet of some 3,500 vessels disappears during a near Japan during the Second Invasion of at the Battle of The or "divine wind", is credited with saving Japan.

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15 Aug 1281: Kublai Khan's fleet of some 3,500 vessels disappears during a near during the Second Invasion of Japan at the Battle of The or "divine wind", is credited with saving Japan.

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Já as vilãs do anime tiveram como principal inspiração o estilista Thierry Mugler. Uma saia tutu de várias camadas usada sobre um macacão semi-transparente de sua coleção de estreia (F / W 1992), juntamente com um penteado elaborado, foi a inspiração para a vilã Koan.

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I can't say, but as I have made several attempts at illustrating the Gateless Gate koans, I have often started from the beginning, and I've easily spent more time with Mu than any other koan.

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Hi Annie! Thanks for the opportunity, I would love to do a food illustration project.

My portfolio site:

I've attached some food art that I've done, as well as a ramen-themed work! Thanks for your time :)

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