También ilustró a otra de las mujeres más poderosas del mundo, Angela Merkel, quien dejará su puesto este año.

Como dato curioso, ella es la canciller alemana con más tiempo en el cargo, junto con Helmut Kohl.

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My take for 's
Also extra late for this week's

I love her flowy hair and her sunflower crown 💕🌻

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Hello, My sister worked on the 1998 EU summit in Wales (stay with me) and she told me they had to get a special bed for Helmut He was a real big fella, just like this bear...

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This week's colour: Kohl.

Hail Ra, Lord of the Sun, bringer of light, heat, and OG goth eyeliner realness.

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Today I added a black cat on the right... I know it’s getting hard to tell. He’s the one with the little bit of white on his neck. His name is Kohl.

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